Smooth and flexible security…

No one’s ever really prepared for the illnesses to let alone the critical ones. But it’s always best to be prepared for any unforeseen situation. A critical illness is not only emotionally devastating but is financially also, because of the ever-rising cost of treatment and hospitalization. Critical illness insurance offered by STS is a comprehensive coverage plan which ensures full financial security while you are sick and even in the phase of recovering. 

Critical illness insurance is a plan devised to provide you resources in times of physical and emotional deterioration. It offers a lump sum cash payment right after you’re diagnosed with the life-altering disease. Also, you are free to use it any way you want; if you want to hire a nurse to look after you or you want to travel abroad for treatment, you won’t be asked to show any reason.

Also, if you die while the policy is in effect, your beneficiary will receive a 100% refund of the premiums that you paid into the critical illness policy.

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